All India Real Estate Agents Association
The All India Real Estate Agents Association (AIREAA) is India's leading professional body for real estate agents. It is a centralized directory of agents across the country registered and certified by us. Established in 2014 with the goal to raise the profile of all nationally established agents, AIREAA's key roles include providing help and guidance to real estate agents.
AIREAA operates as a national network and maintains a good relationship with state-based Real Estate Institutes as well as the National Body and maintains regular contact with other organizations to represent the interests of its members.
As a respected industry body, AIREAA gives real estate agents the credibility of being a part of a professional body and the opportunity to promote qualifications through its membership. By choosing AIREAA members, buyers can be confident they are dealing with a professional and experienced real estate agent.
Our Roles and Responsibilities
- To conduct conferences, seminars, demonstrations, exhibitions, etc. with a view to disseminate the knowledge and techniques of real estate investment and asset management, so that it would help the community of people involved in providing services to the Trust.
- To establish, maintain and expand a library of books and publications on statistical, commercial, technical, industrial and other general interests.
- To enlighten the members of the public with matters relating to real estate.
- To promote and carry out research, surveys and investigations.
- To encourage and develop meaningful cooperation among persons engaged in the business of Real Estate Consultancy and related services, directly or indirectly irrespective of the subject.
Our Objectives
- To perpetuate an ethical code of conduct that is self imposed and mandatory for all members of AIREAA to maintain integrity and transparency.
- To standardize business practices in real estate trade and to create a dispute resolution cell for members.
- To protect and promote the advancement of the real estate sector.
- To promote honorable practices and prevent/suppress malpractices, if any, and to promote cooperation between all persons engaged in the business of Real Estate Consultancy in India and all other countries as may be decided from time to time.
- To institute, encourage, develop and progress all kinds of methods and guiding factors relating to the Real Estate Trade.
- To establish just and equitable principles in pursuit of the code of conduct towards better ethical trade.
- To collect, classify and circulate statistical and other information and to undertake special enquiries whenever necessary on all matters relating to the Real Estate profession which will be beneficial and important for establishing the standards the trust strives to achieve.
- To take all steps which may be necessary for promoting, supporting or opposing any legislation affecting the interests of the Real Estate profession by any Government Central, State or otherwise or any department thereof, or by any local body or any other public or semi-public body or officers, and in general to take the initiative and/or join in taking any collective action to secure protection and development of the Real Estate Agency profession in all respects.
- To make representations to Central or State Governments or local, public or semi-public authorities, executive or legislative, on any matter directly or indirectly affecting the Real Estate profession.
- To communicate with Associations of Commerce and Industry or other commercial and public bodies throughout India and the world.
- To ensure that all members of the Association co-operate with each other and follow the Rules and Regulations laid down by the Association and to settle any disputes among members that arise out of such cooperation.
- To cause to be written, printed or otherwise reproduced and circulated as media considered desirable to promote the object of the Trust and the Real Estate profession.
- To act as mediators, arbitrators and surveyors and arrange for arbitration in all matters of disputes, differences or claims in relation to the aforesaid matters or connected with the members of the Trust.